Friday, August 16, 2013

The Steps for setting up your user environment creating easy system navigation.

My apologizes for my blogs beginning qualities.  I believe many will still find good quality in the content itself here is my hope.  My skills will improve as we progress.  Also keep in mind there are 8 ways to do anything in windows, so as we go I will expand on different ways to accomplish certain common task.  There is no one right way to do anything, in the end it is like bowling - everyone has their own "style" or preferences as to how one prefers to control their systems. 

I do not know everything about computers, though I do understand a vast great deal about the PC -from the hardware up.

Learning something every-time I play with a computer is what keeps me entertained.  It is this I wish to share, expanding the "Discovery" in hopes of helping others :)

Thanks for stopping in!


Setting up the "classic theme"

Here is a theme I setup for Windows 7.  'It may or may not" work with Vista or Windows 8, if it will load it works..  :)  >

Task bar & Start menu

Folders and Files view

Notifications area

Quick Launch 

De-fragment the Virtual Memory

Using regedit to clear start-up programs

Next will be setting up the security core for your Windows System.