Friday, August 16, 2013

The Steps for setting up your user environment creating easy system navigation.

My apologizes for my blogs beginning qualities.  I believe many will still find good quality in the content itself here is my hope.  My skills will improve as we progress.  Also keep in mind there are 8 ways to do anything in windows, so as we go I will expand on different ways to accomplish certain common task.  There is no one right way to do anything, in the end it is like bowling - everyone has their own "style" or preferences as to how one prefers to control their systems. 

I do not know everything about computers, though I do understand a vast great deal about the PC -from the hardware up.

Learning something every-time I play with a computer is what keeps me entertained.  It is this I wish to share, expanding the "Discovery" in hopes of helping others :)

Thanks for stopping in!


Setting up the "classic theme"

Here is a theme I setup for Windows 7.  'It may or may not" work with Vista or Windows 8, if it will load it works..  :)  >

Task bar & Start menu

Folders and Files view

Notifications area

Quick Launch 

De-fragment the Virtual Memory

Using regedit to clear start-up programs

Next will be setting up the security core for your Windows System.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A silent show going through the motions - Profile settings

Please watch this 11 min clip I made here.  If the concept is new, watching it twice would be very nice! There is no sound with this video, just me going  through the user interface appearance and navigation settings.

 ~:-  Don't worry so much about understanding what everything does.  Focus more on being comfortable with the navigation of your system, and the locations of these different settings.

Everything can be reversed,  if not warnings will display and require your conformation before proceeding. (in this case just say No -  unless you are sure about what you are doing!)

 I encourage experimenting and playing around with your settings, getting a quicker and more comfortable feel for their locations and purpose's so you can custom configure you're interface for control of your environment.

Hey, thanks for stopping by - please check back in again!


Friday, August 9, 2013

Creating a New User Profile

Scott Stringe's BussAbyss

Begin learning my personally developed methods for the Setup and Use of you're Windows PC. Watch the quick clip below for my first daily over the shoulder look. See the methods, tools, programs & utility’s I use with my computers. I love open source software so everything I use in my configurations are free!

  • Step One - Create a new user profile on your computer with administrator permissions. (Scott's Tip #1 - Using a 4 digit numerical password is quick and easy. It covers computer security and also works caps on or caps off. It allows ease of access too the administrator permissions which you will soon come to appreciate!   A home desktop computer does not need a password if it's in a trusted environment. Though a laptop should be password protected! Safeguarding your your system and information in case of theft, loss, or from tampering environments ;)

  • Please Note: It is important when first setting up your “Windows User Profile”, that we do not start using this new experience until the user interface functionality and security core is setup & running! This will take approximately 10 steps in or so, I will advise when your profile is ready to start using....

  • If there are questions please start a conversation in the blog comments, my response will be ASAP. Or hopefully someone can quickly jump in and respond from experience too any questions. I will monitor this activity.

  • I very much wish to make a difference for all computer users. Sharing my skills, knowledge and experience here is a mission for me too you all. Once you know me you will find I can easily resolve or advise direction for any PC hardware/software related issue or question!

Thank you! - for checking this out and sharing me as a resource with your friends & connections.